
Sunday 15 July 2012

24 Festive Drum (24节令鼓)

I joined Seremban Half Marathon today and managed to finish on time. There were having some activities to entertainment the VIP guess at the MPS field. I was kindda amazed with the 24 Festive Drum that performed by SMK Chan Hwa Secondary School. Unfortunately, I was unable to record down the event as I don't have camera at that moment. I found some 24 festive drum performed by Chan Hwa School in Youtube. Would like to share here with you all about the 24 festive drums and the performance from Chan Hwa School.

History of Malaysian 24 Seasons Drum Style'

A typical Malaysian 24 Seasons unit consists of twenty four drums. The number twenty four is not an arbitrary selection. It represents agricultural seasons from the Chinese calendar. If you look closely you will find the name of each season painted in calligraphy on each drum. The agricultural seasons represent the 24 solar terms that I mentioned before.

Festival Drums group is special as it represents the 24 "Jieling (Sub-sessions)". The drums have their special meaning as well; the red, black and yellow symbolise auspiciousness and passion, perseverance, the Chinese culture and tradition respectively.

Summer, fall/autumn, winter and spring are the primary seasons which are further divided into six secondary seasons. According to a farmer’s calendar the seasons which constitute the twenty four seasons are:

Seasons in Spring
Seasons in Summer
Seasons in Autumn
Seasons in Winter
First of spring
First of summer
First of autumn
First of winter
Rain water
Grains begin to ripe
Still warm in autumn
Minor snow
Grains are ripe
Winter dew
Heavy snow
Spring equinox
Summer solstice
Autumn equinox
Winter solstice
Clear water
Minor heat
Cold dew
Minor freeze
Rains suitable for grain
Great heat
Great freeze

Even though each drum troupe has its own individual style, the original styles of performance were meant to depict movements of farmers and activities on a farm.

    But the first performance of this art form did not even have twenty four drums! Nine Chinese drums were used in the opening ceremony of the National Dance Competition in Johor Bharu, Malaysia in 1988. The event drew large crowds and on the back of the performance, the Chinese Association stepped up their activities. A set of 24 drums were bought, Mr. Chen Wei Chong from Foon Yew Chinese Secondary School was roped in to train drummers and the rest they say is history. Mr. Tan Chai Puan and Mr. Tan Hooi Song are two individuals who were instrumental in the establishment and growth of the art through Malaysia. They have been involved in the Malaysian 24 Seasons drumming style through it’s inception in the Chinese drum festival to this date where it is proudly taught to the students of Foon Yew.  

24 Festive Drum Documentary Part 2

This is the performance performed by Chan Hwa School in year 2011.

And This is by Chong Hwa High School. 

Even Girls are involved in 24 festive drums, and they potentially can perform as good as a boys group can.

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